
Best Venue 09/10 Academic Year - Your Recommendations!  



I haven't posted here in a while and to be honest the main reason is I haven't been out that much, certainly no-where new. I've hit up the traditional venues though, maybe once a week: Limelight, stiff kitten, even went to the Union a few weeks ago.

What I want for the next week or so is some genuine feedback of where you feel has been the best venue for the 2009/2010 Academic year for Belfasts Nightlife. Has Tompsons students only nights saved it from the reputation it gained last year? Has Rain got too crowded to be any fun? Has limelight soldiered on, and whilst clearly quieter than last year held onto it's identity as the best place for Tuesday night?

What ever happened to Mono? Did they ever get any students to go there?!!

What about Stiff Kitten, some of the Thursday nights there have been immense! Amazing drink offers too. The parlours always been a favourite venue of mine but who knew it had a smoking area?! Great to relax and chill out in for while.

So what is it going to be? Submit your recommendations in the comment box or email me dannygillen@gmail.com

Have at it, I look forward to reading them!


On Adventure and Going Solo, OR/ Fuck this, I'm going to Tompsons  


I'm now entering towards the end of my secound year in Belfast and I've slowly started becoming more and more tired of the tedium of repetetive nights out. The most common venue I've visited over the last two years has been the student union on a thursday night.

Now, for the first 2 weeks, a year or so ago, I loved it. The drink offers were fun and it gave me a great oppertunity to meet other students and get to better know my (excellant) friends from halls. However over time this venue has become repetetive and tedious. Tomorrow me and my friends will all be going out and I know virtually exactly what will happen.

Predrink 10:00pm - 11pm, then arrive at the union, drink till mandela opens, the dance to the same songs we played last week, then Sopranas OR a very small chance Rain. Then home. The more we do this every Thursday the less exciting it becomes, the less new people we meet and the less we pull.

It's just not remotely exciting. Tonight after seeing scouting for girls, we decided to go to the Box. It used to be quiet a quiet but enjoyable, and cheap spot for a Wednesday night. Tonight however, the queue was huge. Once inside, you had to queue a good while to get a drink, then dance, rinse, repeat.

I just can no longer see the adventure in this. Recently, I've been persuaded to visit similar venues with my friends, but upoun entering, seeing how busy yet strangely impersonal it is. I just know it's not for me and leave. Often I just go home and regret ever paying in to leave a few minutes later.

Sometimes however, I try and take responcability for my own fun and go to a place like Tompsons on my own. Tompsons is a place most students would have quite a low opinion of, its often expensive (but can have great deals for a late night club), and has a very very strange crowd.

Go there on your own however, and you seriously never know what will happen. I've had some fantastic adventures in Tompsons and in similar places, often becuase I've rejected the popular spot for the night and tried to make my own fun.

Now it doesn't always work, but I'd father rather look a weirdo in somewhere new on my own right now than do the same old same old is the same venues with people I already know. And this isn't to deride my friends. They're an amazing bunch of people who I have a hell of a lot of fun with. But sometimes when you abandon the safety net of a familiar venue and the comfort of your friends, you can have an amazing time.

I'd highly reccomend trying it.


QUB English Society Corruption  


QUB English Society recently created a facebook event to advertise their 'black and white ball'. However, to further their exposure they resorted to one of the cheapest and most insulting facebook techniques. Anyone who is familiar with facebook will be aware of this, groups where you must first 'become a fan' before you can find out what the group is about.

This is clearly immoral and just poor form. I advocate the boycotting of this event, and by all means, disruption. It annoys me everytime I have to advertise my 'fanship' for these groups before I even know what I'm supporting.

To hell with those who would use such a vile and clearly immoral technique. I hope no-one attends and f**k any society who would advertise in such a way.

When I criticised their methods on their page, my comments were deleted. Well here outside their authority, let it be known how low they are prepared to steep.

The page:

Edit: To excuse this behaviour the society tried to blame geography, I for one am glad their unethical techniques were ineffective: "We were hit badly by people hit by the volcano. We needed to get the word out. We tried really hard. It wasn't immoral, just a bit low in the turn-out. We really tried."


New Site and Forum  



BelfastNightlife has moved from blogger onto it's own domain: www.BelfastNightlife.net

We've also installed message boards at: forum.belfastnightlife.net where you can discuss everything to do with Belfast's nightlife.


Launch of ‘Nu Noise’, Limelights Thursday Student Night!  


According to their Facebook page:
“Belfasts Hottest New Student Club Night comes to the Spring & Airbrake on the 4th of march, each month we will be showcasing the hottest up and coming DJS Northern Ireland has to offer, show your support by coming along and making this student night a success, its 4quid entry and there will be drinks promos on the night!!
The music will be a mixture of modern Techno, Trance + Electro playing from 9pm till 3am!”
This sounds pretty interesting, maybe Thursdays will become what Limelight used to be on Tuesday nights. Hopefully the drink offers are good, I’m getting a little disappointed these days going into Limelight and only seeing vodka/becks/stella for £2 offers. If they could get some VHF’s in and flog them for £1 a bottle they’d be well up there in my books.
Either way, the place needs to do something as it seems to be pretty quiet recently, but maybe that’s just due to the time of year. Either way I really enjoy a night out at the Limelight/Spring+Airbrake. I also hear they’re open till 3am on Tuesday nights too, this sounds cool but I don’t think the bar’s open any later so I’m not sure on that one.
Hopefully I’ll be there tonight, but due to the prices I think I’ll pre-drink a bit more hardcore than usual.


Rain Cocktails  


I was in Rain tonight and was absolutely amazed at the quality of the cocktails. Even when the bar was packed and I ordered a cocktail it was not rushed in the slightest. The barman - Colly, spent ages mixing the cocktail and then tasting it with a straw dipped in to make sure it was perfect. I was really impressed, at £4.50 each they had a wide selection of cocktails available and the few I had were all delicious.

I've had my doubts about Rain recently, but this dedication to a perfect drink has put me right back at the top of the fan list. Cheap, quick service, polite and delicious. You couldn't expect anything more when you go to the bar.

The music was good tonight too, if mixed a little jaggedly. I had a great night and will definitely go back soon, Rains back on my radar for a good night out.