
Profile: Rain Nightclub  


Rain nightclub has taken over from Milk. It's new, clean and revamped. I'd never been to Milk before but had heard about it (full of scum) and in all honesty I was pleasently surpirsed by Rain. It suffers nothing that I heard associated with Milk. 

I went on a Thursday night at 11pm. There was no queue and the doormen met with a smile, I paid £2 in on the door and then went to the bar. Hoping to spend the last remenents of my student loan I decided to order a fancy coctail. I pointed the bargirl to the most expensive coctail on the menu, however she told me she didn't have the ingrediants; the same incident was repeated with the next two down until she could eventually put together something ressembling a vodka blaccurrent. I was hoping for something a bit fancier but the glass was impressive. 

Other than that, I was satisfied with the drinks, most beers and spirits could be bought for £2 so I have no compaints there. The club was reasonably quiet for it's size but there was certainly alot to explore.

I think I spent most of my time outside in the smoking area, which is impressively large with several tables and lot's of people to talk to. It wasn't until an hour or so in I discovered the dancefloor upstairs which is large, loud and was playing a great fusion of dance and house music which was fun to dance to.  The floor was always clean, with broken glass and spillages nowhere to be seen.

The atmosphere was sociable, I met several people that night and had a great time. Rain is definately my kind of club.

There was a big variety of other punters in attendance too. Third year students, Coked up City Boys, Post Girls Aloud concert girls and a few folks from the country.  The boy girl ratio was pretty even and the scumbags who generally like to frequent places like The Beech Club were nowhere to be seen.

I've heard alot of complaints from people saying they were refused entry for no reason; but they are probably the sort of people who you don't want to share a nightclub with anyway. 

I expected a strict dress code so wore a shirt and skinny tie; but some people had T-shirts and trainers so I don't think the doormen care so much, but they do manage to keep the scum out.

I'm going to award the place 15/20, maybe I'll upgrade that score after I try it again on a different night (something I really intend on doing).

What next?

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3 comments: to “ Profile: Rain Nightclub

  • 3 June 2009 at 10:06  

    Glad you enjoyed your night, please come back soon.

    Rain NightClub.

  • 11 August 2009 at 17:19  

    i see the comment abt people being turned away and the place prob didnt need them anyway???

    well we were turned away we r 8 girls from derry who were dressed decent had just cum form a restaurant so werent drunk and raged from late 20s to mid 30s...we wer reccomend to go here bt were turned away for no reason.......i found out later other girls frm derry were turned away that nite to and a mafia lookalike doorman commented on them holdin an irish passport??? we wont b reccomending rain to anyone in derry............

  • 22 August 2009 at 11:29  

    That's weird, as far as I know, my Derry mates have never been turned down, Irish passport and all.

    Maybe it was full.